Hot Yoga, also known as Bikram Yoga, is based on order of yoga poses popularized by Bikram Choudhury and brought to the US in the early 1970s. In this invigorating hot yoga sola class, the room is heated to over 100 degrees to allow the body to move deeper into postures, with less possibility for wound. The yoga sequence is carefully chosen from among the many poses and their differences that belong to the 5000 year old yoga lineage.
Hot hatha yoga or yin yoga Sola classes are similar to traditional yoga classes but are conducted in a room heated up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. They can be trained in a variety of styles from a traditional hot hatha yoga sola class, to yin yoga, and even a more fluid flow class. The diversity of styles of hot yoga sola makes the classes accessible to a variety of beginner, intermediate, or advanced yoga practitioners.
The benefits of hot yoga Sola are very parallel to traditional yoga classes and have been shown to promote stress reduction, assist with managing depression, increase flexibility, and build strength. According to research shown at the University of Windsor the most important difference between hot yoga sola and traditional yoga is that the warmth of the room in hot yoga increases a participant's heart rate and metabolic strength to that of aerobic exercise (heart range increases 40-90 beats per minute with only 1 degree change in body temperature), and decreases arterial stiffness to encourage cardiovascular health.
Traditional hot Hatha yoga Sola is not powerful enough to be classified as aerobic workout, which is why some individuals do not get weight loss a benefit from traditional yoga practices. By performing the same practice in a heated room, it causes the body to work tougher without increasing power on the joints or muscles that may be skilled with other aerobic exercises.
Hot Hatha yoga or yin yoga Sola is still a relatively new practice and more research is essential to confirm all of its advantages and disadvantages. So, like any exercise program it is important to consult with a health care professional proceeding to starting a new exercise of rule. Hot yoga is generally not optional for individuals who find it uncomfortable or painful to be warm or those who are recommended to avoid rigorous exercise.
Hot yoga Sola or warm yoga classes are now available at Fitness center Stavanger visit and read more about hot yoga Sola.
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